
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Lapse in Blogging

Friends and Readers of this Blog,

My apologies for the lapse in this blog as of late.  I have just been swamped with so many good things going on, such as the spring break service trip to Louisville in which we worked with refugees (which I should blog about), a Jesuit "Come and See" event that I hosted, and writing a 5 page single-spaced letter to my provincial requesting permission to take lifelong vows as a Jesuit this August.  I will try to be more persistent in blogging henceforth.  Thanks!


  1. Busy in the real world is a good thing!

  2. ahem...we're waiting :) ;)

  3. Agreed, don't feel sorry that a blog takes it's rightful place on the back burner. Blogs are meant to help digest life. Not become life.
